about us
Gallega de Correctores Naya S.L. (SOGACO S.L.) is located in the city of Vigo (Spain). We have been in the business of animal nutrition since 1982.
We produce vitamin-mineral correctors (premixes), additive premixes, mineral feed and starter concentrates. Our products are intended for feed manufacturers.
As a result of our broad experience, we are specialists in nutrition for ruminants, pigs, poultry, fur animals (minks, chinchillas, etc.) and aquaculture. We know what the market needs and we always search for nutritional solutions in order to satisfy these needs.
We develop the design and production process at our plant, either from formulations produced by the Department of Nutrition or in conformance with customer specifications.
SOGACO produces a broad range of vitamin-mineral correctors marketed under the generic name of GALMIX®
Our quality department monitors our raw materials as well as our manufactured products, releasing them to the market after they have been approved.
The quality department guarantees the food safety of our marketed products, in compliance with HACCP requirements, after their analysis at our laboratory.